Amidst the backdrop of seismic challenges in Turkey, a noble initiative is underway. In response to the heartfelt plea echoing from hospital corridors marked by the tremors of the five February earthquakes, a poignant endeavor takes center stage.
Facilitated by “Anything for a Smile/Safe Haven For Refugees,” our partner non-profit organization, diligent efforts are underway to imbue the lives of young patients with a burst of joy through captivating wall murals.
With a spirit of compassion, this endeavor has embraced the call and journeyed to Malatya, nestled in the eastern reaches of Türkiye. The significance of cultivating an uplifting ambiance for these resilient children resonates deeply.
Supported by research affirming that a vibrant and positive setting profoundly impacts a child’s well-being and outlook, this initiative plays an instrumental role in their healing journey.